Sunday, May 10, 2015

Who is Robert Canright?

I'm sure there are people who have asked, "Who is Robert Canright?"  I'm a dad who has been lucky to bring up his kids in Plano, Texas.  This has been a great town in which to rear children.  Like so many people who have moved to Plano, we came here for good schools.  Education is dear to my heart, and I know many of my neighbors care about their children's education, so I have shared through blogs and websites ideas for providing our children with the best education.

Schools all across America have been making mistakes by diminishing the quality of education in order to pursue trends fashionable in education circles.  We have to help each other by sharing tips on how to keep our children's education on track.  Other people have helped me with tips on Plano education, and I try to also provide helpful tips through some of my blogs.

Our children are facing a challenging and complex world.  Some of my blogs are meant to consider different ways in which we can help our children.  One example is a blog called Canright on Software and Programming that provides tips for beginning programmers.

My extended family has been involved in education across the country and across generations.  It is in our blood.  Also, many of us have been engineers and technologists.  I was a public school teacher, math and science, for a few years but have been a technologist for most of my career.  I have degrees in mathematics, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering.  I practice software engineering these days.

I like writing.  This too runs in my family. I wrote many technical papers when I worked in corporate research and development.  You can view my list of publications here.  I have also written a book on Confucianism.

In the book by Ron Suskind, "The Way  of the World, A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremism," on page 322, there is a quote about building bridges between the Muslim world and the Western world.  Two Muslims are talking and the conversation turns to this:  "We are trying to build the bridges.  The problem is, whose standard are we going to adopt to build the bridges on?  Whose foundations are we going to use?"

The bridge between the Middle East and America could be Confucianism.  I say this in my book on pages eight to ten (8 - 10).  This is one reason I wrote my book in 2005, 10 years ago.  Confucianism could be a bridge between the two cultures, Christianity and Islam.  You can purchase my book, "Achieve Lasting Happiness: Timeless Secrets to Transform Your Life" here.

As a Christian I know that a Muslim would be better served by studying the Bible.  But for Muslims not wanting to convert, a study of Confucianism could be a bridge between the two religions.  At its core Confucianism is an ethical system, not a religion, so Christians and Muslims can both study it.

Who is Robert Canright?  I am a dad willing to work to make the world a better place for my children and for your children.


Here is more about me from the time I ran for the local school board.

Because I wrote a book on Confucianism people ask if I am a Christian.  Yes, I am a Christian, a born again Christian.  To get a feel for Confucianism you might look at my blog posting:  To Advance, Help Others to Advance.

Other Robert Canrights
Robert is not an uncommon name.  I have cousins named Robert, so if you google me make sure you are looking at the right Robert Canright! One of these cousins is Robert C. Canright, who lived in the same town as my father, Robert E. Canright.  They used to get each other's mail on occasion.  I had the pleasure of meeting Robert C. Canright, who goes by Bob.  Here is a link to him:

I have not met Robert B. Canright

Robert M. Canright of Columbus, Ohio has died: September 29, 1930 ~ March 4, 2016 (age 85)
Robert W. Canright of Indiana has also passed away.

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